API Subscription Keys
Some AEMO APIs require an API Key. The steps on the creation, management and access to API keys via the API Portal is covered below:
View your Subscription Keys
1. Login to the portal
You will need to have registered on the portal.
2. Navigate to your 'Profile' section
Here, you can see the list of all your subscription. You can show or regenerate your subscription keys:
Subscribe a Product
1. Confirm that the API you wish to access requires Subscription Key
Review the Authentication section of the API you wish to access and ensure that it requires an API Key.
2. Login to the portal
You will need to have registered on the portal
3. Identify Product to subscribe
Navigate to Product List from Menu. It will show all the products available for subscription:
4. Click on the identified Product and Subscribe the Product
It will show all the available APIs for this product. Provide the Product Subscription Name and click on Subscribe Button. It generates Primary Key and Secondary Key. Any of them can be used to call the APIs.
5. AEMO will validate your request
6. AEMO will create your key and send you an email when this has been completed.
7. After creation you can log into your account and View your API Subscription Keys.
Cancel your Subscription
You can anytime revoke existing keys by cancelling your Product Subscription:
1. Login to the portal
You will need to have registered on the portal.
2. Navigate to your 'Profile' section
Here, you can see the list of all your subscription. You can cancel your subscription by clicking on cancel button under Action: