Settlement Direct

API Reference
Postman Collection

Getting Started

About the API

The Publishing Direct system allows Market Participants to access data, subscriptions, message delivery logs and calendars to the EMMS Wholesale Market System. AEMO uses three instances of the Publishing Direct system based on the publishing Business ID. You can access these systems using the AEMO Markets Portal.

The APIs listed in this chapter allow you to access specific details from the Publishing Direct system depending on the request parameters. Settlements Direct is an instance of the Publishing Direct system.

To access the Publishing Direct systems on the Markets Portal, navigate as follows:

  • For Settlements Direct: Settlements Direct, MMS Markets Portal > MMS > Settlements > Settlements Direct.

  • Publishing Direct for GSH – To access Publishing Direct, MMS Markets Portal > Gas Supply Hub > Publishing Direct.

  • Market Direct for Market Info – To access Market Direct, MMS Markets Portal > Market Info > Market Direct.

Getting Access

To access Settlements Direct, Participant Users must have the appropriate user rights access. The access right determines the functionalities and transactions you can use to access the web portal, batch interfaces, FTP, and API services.

Participant Administrators (PAs) authorise Participant User access in MSATS. The initial PA is set up by the AEMO system administrator as part of the registration process.

Your company's participant administrator (PA) grants you permission to use NEM Credit Support.

The MSATS entity required for Settlements Direct access is:




During formal onboarding, you will first be given access to Pre-Production and must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access to Production.

External Docs

Below are a list of external links for additional context to the API or Program:

API Details

Authentication Methods

This API is using the following Security Policies:

Note: The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.


Below are the base URLs used for this API:


Base URL

Data Type

Pre-Production Internet Entry

Test Data

Pre-Production MarketNet Entry

Test Data

Production Internet Entry

Live Data

Production MarketNet Entry

Live Data


Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in the API Reference (OpenAPI Spec).